Cebuano - Aduna, duna, and wala

Existential phrases refers to phrases that refers to whether a particular thing exists or not.

Aduna, duna, and wala

Aduna and duna means the same thing. Aduna is just an longer  version of duna.  Both words roughly mean "there is". "There is" could refer to anything be it something, someone, etc.

The opposite of aduna is wala. Literally, nothing.

FORM 1 : Existential verb + pronoun (ang) + y + specific possession phrase

Aduna sila’y sakyan. ~ They have a vehicle.
Aduna ako’y estorya. ~ I have a story.

FORM 2 : Existential verb + y + focus possession phrase (ang)

Duna’y isda ~ There's a fish.
Wala'y nabati nga kalipay. Didn't here any good news.

If you're familiar with Tagalog existential verbs and their forms, you can notice how similar they are in form and function.