Tagalog - Ano | Luzvimindan Project

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Ano is the Tagalog term for "what". Sometimes, it can be interpreted as "thing".

As What

As mentioned, ano is the Tagalog term for "what". Mostly used to gather information.

FORM : ano + ang + thing
FORM : anong + thing

Ano ang pangalan mo? ~ What is your name?
Anong ginawa mo? ~ What did you do?
Ano ang pangarap mo sa buhay? ~ What is your dream in life?

Derived Terms

There are many words and terms derived from ano and among them are:

random things
ano na?
now what?
ano ngayon? *Literally "Now what?"
so what

As a Vague Substitute

Sometimes, ano is used to mean "that thing" or "that someone". It can substitute a noun, a proper noun, an adjective, even a verb.

As noun / proper noun substitute

Si ano. ~ That someone.
Yung ano. ~ That thing.

As verb substitute
Inano ka ba? ~ What did (they) do to you.
Nag ano sila. ~ They did that.


Ano is the Tagalog word for the English word what.
It can be used as a vague substitute for many things.