Tagalog - Kapag | Luzvimindan Project

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Kapag is a Tagalog conjunction that means "when" but sometimes it translates to "if". The short form of kapag is 'pag.

As When

Kapag is usually attached to an "event" usually a verb.

FORM : kapag + event

Kapag umuulan bumubuhos ang langit sa iyong mga mata. ~ When it rains, the heavens flow down in your eyes.

Kapag tumibok ang puso. ~ When the heart beats.

Mahirap talaga kapag inaasahan ka. ~ It's really hard when people are relying on you.


The negation of kapag is kapag hindi or kapag wala. Kapag hindi works similarly like kung hindi in a sense that it's a conditional like "if" but it has certainty. While kapag wala translates to when (something) is gone.

FORM : kapag + hindi
FORM : kapag + wala + ka + na
FORM : kapag + wala + na + absolute pronoun (except ka/ikaw)
FORM : kapag + wala + na + ang + thing

Kapag hindi natapos. ~
Kapag wala na ako. ~ When I'm gone.
Kapag wala ka na. ~ When you're gone.
Kapag wala na sila. ~When they're gone.
Kapag wala na ang ulan. ~ When the rain is gone.


Kapag means when.
Kapag hindi translates to "if" or the conditional "when".