Tagalog - Para | Luzvimindan Project


Para is a loan word from Spanish that's also used in Tagalog. Like the original meaning para means for. While there are instances that it can be used as a comparative.

Para as For

FORM : para + sa + pronoun
FORM : para + kay + proper noun

Kung ayaw mo na sa akin. ~ If you don't like me anymore.
Hindi ko maisip kung wala ka sa buhay ko. ~ I cannot imagine if you were not here in my life.


FORM : kung + hindi
FORM : kung + 'di

To negate kung, add the Tagalog word hindi or its short for 'di. Sometimes, in informal situations kung 'di is contracted to kundi.

Kung hindi man tayo hanggang dulo. ~ If we're not gonna be together until the end.

Para as comparative

FORM : parang + thing
FORM : para +  absolute / ergative pronoun + ng

Para combined with a "ng" can be used as a comparative it roughly means "like". Ka instead of Ikaw will be used along with para hence "para kang" instead of "para ikaw".

Parang wala lang. ~ Like nothing.
Para siyang wala sa sarili. ~ (He's) like he's not in his self.

Double Meaning

Para also means "stop" in certain situations but that only occurs when in jeepneys.


In general, para means for.
Para can also mean "like".
Para can also mean "stop" since it is the cue word for jeepneys.