Tagalog - Verbs Introduction | Luzvimindan Project

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Tagalog verbs follow the so called Austronesian Alignment or the Trigger System. The verbs determine whether something is the emphasis or not.


Generally, you can turn anything into a verb. This is especially true with loan words. CV stands for the first syllable of the root word. Generally, the affix and the root word is separated by a dash especially if the root word is a proper noun.

Future Aspect 
FORM : mag- + CV + root

Magdo-DoTA kami mamaya. ~ We will play DoTA later. *From the root word DoTA, a name of a computer game.

Present Aspect
FORM : nag- + CV + root

Nagchachat kami ng syota ko kanina. ~ Me and my girlfriend were chatting earlier. *From the root word chat.

Past Aspect 
FORM: nag + root

Nag-Facebook ako kaning umaga. ~ I've used Facebook earlier this morning.

Imperative / Suggestion
FORM: mag- + root

Try mo mag-Friendster. ~ Try using Friendster. * From the root word Friendster.

Causal / Recent Past
FORM: kaka+root

Kaka-DoTA lang namin. ~ We just played DoTA.
Kaka-tae ko lang. ~ I've just poop. *The root word is tae which is poop.
Ayan kaka-computer mo yan. ~ That's what you get from using (too much) computer.


Tagalog verbs follow the Austronesian Alignment also called the Trigger System.
Verbs can be created with any root word. Literally.